Samad Khurram: The Pakistani Student who Refused to Accept Harvard Scholarship

The news, and subsequently the Pakistani blogosphere, was abuzz during the last week over a Pakistani student’s refusal to accept Harvard Scholarship from the US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson in an award distribution ceremony in Islamabad.


The US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson was the Chief Guest on the occasion where this incident happened and she was made to face big embarrassment when the whole hall echoed with a loud applause for the student over his decision.

Samad refused the award as a protest on the recent cross border attack by Americans in Mohmand Agency, which resulted in the death of 20 Pakistani soldiers and still many more are missing.

Ms. Patterson and other U.S.embassy officials were shocked and embarrassed when Samad walked to the stage to receive his award but then announced he was refusing the honor to protest the unprovoked American violation of Pakistani airspace and the murder of innocent Pakistanis.

A shaken Ms. Patterson smiled sheepishly and tried to make the best out of an embarrassing moment.

I highly commend what Samad did. Yes, he may still be in Harvard and still getting the scholarship, but he was at least able to bring this incident into the limelight.

Here are a few more links from around the blogosphere:

… Because what Samad has done is something that our politicians don’t have the guts to do in a million years! He stood strong and determined and in his own way snubbed the representative of the United States, calling their recent attack on Pakistani soil as that of a coward.

The WeCite Blog

10 thoughts on “Samad Khurram: The Pakistani Student who Refused to Accept Harvard Scholarship

  1. Pingback: Accept » Blog Archive » Samad Khurram: The Pakistani Student who Refused to Accept Harvard …

  2. M Junaid Khan

    Thanks for quoting our blog. Coming to the topic, i think such events should be glorified so that as a nation we get a character rather then being characterless like our politicians.

  3. Pingback: Samad Khurram: The Pakistani Student who Refused to Accept Harvard Scholarship | Tea Break

  4. Pingback: Samad Khurram: The Pakistani Student who Refused to Accept Harvard Scholarship | Tea Break

  5. Sawant Post author

    @Junaid: You are absolutely right. The media *should have* played a pivotal role in highlighting this incident more than it actually did. This should have been a front page news on Dawn, but Pakistan is just too politicized at the moment, and thus only politicians can command the front page!

    @Selina: You are welcome. 🙂

  6. Pingback: Pakistani Politics Popularity Graph | Tea Break

  7. aliarqam

    We Expect the same from CJ Chouhdry
    CJ is a hero in this movement for being the protector of “missing persons”. Now what moral stand he has for receiving medals from a US institution, when all missing persons are missing because of USA. The constitutional movement raised a lot of voice on civil rights. Now what bout greater civil right violator in the world?. Cant he see Guantanamo bey?, the institutionalization of torture in CIA abduction cells in Europe?

  8. Sheesha-i-Shabnum

    We are proud of Samad Khurram. All those ranting about US interest should keep in mind that Sarmad is a Pakistani and he has to look for Pakistan interets not US interets. Moreover, Harvard not put some ‘ehsan’ on him. He was genius to deserve this scholarship. Plus, CJ recieved medals from private universities and bars, not BUSH admin. So any ignorant can relate why CJ receiving prizes for missing people as done by US !

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